Traditional IT solutions leave healthcare ecosystems vulnerable to cyber-attacks and equipment fails that jeopardizes organizational workflow, patient safety, and patient care. Neterka’ s medical-focused platform delivers the security and equipment solutions experienced medical professionals need to maintain business operations and patient safety.

Neterka’ s medical-focused approach to experienced medical professionals, provides a multi-faceted cybersecurity and equipment management one-stop shop they can rely on by prioritizing patient care and privacy above all else while contextualizing risk and remediation within the framework of healthcare business objectives.  This approach to healthcare IT solutions allows medical professionals to maintain control over their clinical assets and helps them achieve immediate technology needs to meet strategic and long-term goals.

Some of the technology equipment useful to medical professionals Neterka offers include: Display Monitors, Workstations, Regular/ Ruggedized Tablets/Laptops and Security Camera’s/ Systems.  Our healthcare related services cover a wide array of needs as well, which include: Cloud and Virtualization Services, Governance and Compliance Solutions, IT Consulting and Security Assessments/ Technology and Implementation.

Neterka’ s self-driven and all-inclusive approach to medical professional’s technology needs allows for their businesses to operate efficiently, while providing their patients elite care and security.  Our approach to healthcare IT solutions allow for swift remediation to technology problems that arise without impacting operations.  Armed with these insights and an understanding of expected technology related needs, the Neterka solution delivers a robust array of products and services for healthcare organizations.